
My name is Bill Nicholson

I'm a Serial Entrepreneur.

Vision and ideas people who I can envision a better world and the route to get there.

A problem-solving attitude: I see problems and obstacles as opportunities and don’t give up easily in the face of adversity.

Restlessness: I get bored easily. I have a curious mind and constantly think about what’s down the road.

Drive:I’m very passionate about our ventures. I work for a broader purpose that motivates them, such as solving customers’ pain points, or revolutionizing an industry.

An adventurous spirit: I have a high tolerance for risk and unafraid to try something new or do things differently.


Philadelphia University
Bachelor’s degree, Business Administration, Management and Operations
1998 – 2002

Business Consultants

Business Consultants , Areas of focus Real-Estate, Finance, Operation, Construction, Open ended business.
Skills: New Business Development · Process Improvement · Financial Analysis · Business Strategy Team player with excellent analytical and reasoning skills Self-motivated, responsible, accountable, and mature Excellent communication skills both written and verbal Highest levels of honesty, integrity and ethics Prior work experience in a financial analysis capacity Strong understanding budget analysis and ROI.

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3018 Walker Lane, Eagleville, PA 19403

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